ससुराली : उपेन्द्र सुब्बा – उपेन्द्र सुब्बाको कथा संग्रह ‘लाटो पहाड’बाट

 उपेन्द्र सुब्बाको कथा : ससुराली
उपेन्द्र सुब्बा,  साहित्य पोस्ट :  चुङ्चिवा खोला तरेर आधा घण्टा उकालो हिँडेपछि खोक्सुङले चौतारीमा आफ्नो झोला बिसायो र पारि आफ्नो गाउँ हेर्यो । उसले टार खेतमाथिको आफ्नो घर ठम्यायो । चुन र टिनले टल्केको तीनधुरे घर, क्याप्टेन हर्कजङले अठ्ठाइस् सालमा यो घर बनाएपछि क्याप्टेनको नामै फेरियो ‘ठूलाघरे क्याप्टेन’ । गाउँमा इन्डियन, मलाया, हङकङका अरू पनि क्याप्टेन ल्याप्टेनहरू थिए तर सबैको भन्दा ठूलो घर यही थियो ।
खोक्सुङले झोलाबाट चौंठो निकाल्यो । छेउमै भएको भोकटेको पात टिपेर दुनाजस्तो बनायो अनि रक्सी सारेर स्वाट्टै पार्यो । दौराको फेरोले मुख पुछेर एक पटक सुसेली हाल्यो । मन्द बतास पनि त्यहीवेला चल्यो, निधारको पसिना थोरै सुक्यो । खोक्सुङ झोला टिपेर लाग्यो उकालो ।
खोक्सुङ आज जोडटोडले हिँडेर रात-साँझ ससुराली पुग्नेछ…
दश वर्षअघि विहे हुँदा खोक्सुङ मात्र चौध वर्षको थियो । ‘विहे गर्दिनँ’ भन्दै खोक्सुङ सात दिन सात रात रोएको थियो तर क्याप्टेनको अघि उसको केही सिप चलेन । उमेरले आफूभन्दा चार वर्ष जेठी बाउकै नम्बरीकी छोरीसँग धुमधामले विहे भयो उसको । यो अवधिमा थुप्रै घटानाहरू भए । सबभन्दा ठूलो घटना त ठूलाघरे क्याप्टेन नै बिते । खोक्सुङका दुई दिदीहरूले सुखले कुटुम्बघर गरिखाएका छन् तर उसकीले भने के खोजेकी हो कुन्नि ? फकाईफुलाई गरिल्यायो, भागेर माइत पुगिजान्छे ।
गरेर खानलाई क्याप्टेनले प्रशस्तै खेतबारी जोडिदिएका छन् । क्याप्टेन्नीले पनि बुहारीलाई नराम्रो गरेको होइन । बुहारीलाई पल्टनबाट ल्याएको स्लिकको साडी, टाटनको बर्को दिएकै हुन्, नौगेडी-शिरफूल, गहनापात शिर्जन्तै दिएकै हुन् तर बुहारी भने हप्ता दिनभन्दा बढी घर अडिन्न । भन्नेहरूले के के थोकसम्म भने खोक्सुङलाई ? कति साथीभाइले त कसरी शुरु गर्ने ? लक कसरी लगाउने ? भन्नेसम्मका आइडिया दिन पनि भ्याइसकेका थिए ।
खोक्सुङ आज स्वास्नी लिन सातौं पटक ससुराल जाँदै छ । उसले सोचेको छ- यो अन्तिम हो, अब उप्रान्त जाने छैन…
बल्ल उकालो सकियो । खोक्सुङले अनुहारको पसिना पुछ्दै लामो श्वास फेर्यो र आफू आएको बाटोतिर हेर्यो । तलको खोला धर्सोजस्तो मात्र देख्यो । अलिक मास्तिर फच्चाकफुचुक परेका घरहरू । अबको बाटो तेर्सेतेर्सो मात्र भन्ने सोच्दा खोक्सुङको मन फुरुङ्ग भयो । बाटोछेउ चौरमा झोला बिसाएर उत्तानो पल्ट्यो ।
उज्यालोमै ससुराल पुग्न खोक्सुङलाई मन पर्दैन । बाटोमा अनेक मान्छे भेटिन्छन् । कति ढोग्नुपर्ने भेटिन्छन्, कति साली- भदैनीहरू भेटिन्छन् । सालीभदैनीहरू इत्रिएर लाजै पार्छन् ।
खोक्सुङले झोलाबाट चौंठो निकाल्यो र ठाडो घाँटी लगायो । तीन घुड्को लगाएपछि ‘आ…’ गर्दै मुख मिठ्यायो । झोला बोकेर ससुरालको बाटो हेर्यो- तेर्सैतेर्सो, डाँडैडाँडा, लेकैलेक । त्यहाँबाट अलिकति ओरालो भरेपछि पुगिन्छ ससुराली ।
खोक्सुङ बाटो लाग्यो । एक्लै बाटोमा हिँड्दा स्वास्नीसँग बिताएका केही अविस्मरणीय क्षणहरूको सम्झना आउन थाल्यो…
तेस्रो दशैंको रित बुझाएर खोक्सुङले स्वास्नी घर ल्याएको थियो । बोलचाल थिएन । आफ्नो मजेत्रो मात्र ओढेर स्वास्नी गुन्द्री ओछ्याएर भुइँमा सुत्थी । एक रात जाडोले निदाउनै नसकेपछि खोक्सुङकी स्वास्नीले आधारातमै उठेर आँगनमा खरेटो लगाई, घरका भाँडाकुँडा धोई । तै पनि उज्यालो भएन । कोठामा आई । जाडोले लगलग काम्दै बसी । बिरहमा पालम गाई । के सुरमा हो बोलिपठाई- ‘ए, म दुःखियाको सुर्ती पनि सकिएछ… ।’
खोक्सुङ निदाएको थिएन । सिरानीमा राखेको सुर्तीको पोका स्वास्नीतिर फालिदियो । स्वास्नीले भनी, ‘ए… धर्मै भयो ।’
स्वास्नीले सुर्ती बेरेर खाइसकी । अहँ, अझै उज्यालो भएन । बिहान झन्झन् चिसो बढ्दै गएपछि बिस्तारै आएर खोक्सुङ सुतेको खाटमा बसी । एकछिनपछि त्यही छेउमा ढल्किई । खोक्सुङको उसै घाँटी सुकेर आयो । आँट कसेर ओढेको सिरक स्वास्नीतिर फालिदियो । स्वास्नीले थोरै सिरक तानेर खुट्टासम्म छोपी । खोक्सुङको सास बढेर आयो, त्यस्तो जाडोमा पनि उसको निधारभरि चिटचिट पसिना आयो । सुकेको घाँटी थुकले भिजाउन खोज्यो, थुक निल्न सकेन । बल गरेर थोरै स्वास्नीतिर सर्यो । उसलाई स्वास्नीको जीउबाट तातो राप आइरहेको जस्तो लाग्यो । उसले आँट गरेर स्वास्नीतिर हात बढाउन मात्र के खोजेको थियो, स्वास्नीले कोखामै एक घुस्सी मारी । खोक्सुङ हल न चल भयो ।
स्वास्नी खाटबाट उठेर हिंडी । बिहान हुनेवेला खोक्सुङ भुसुक्कै निदायो । बिहान उठ्दा स्वास्नी घरमा थिइन । ऊ पहिलो पटक भागेकी स्वास्नी लिन ससुराल गयो । सासू-ससुराले आफ्नो छोरीलाई सम्झाएर, बुझाएर घर फर्काउने भए तर फर्किने दिन स्वास्नी घरमा छैन । सोधिखोजी गर्दा थाहा भयो- स्वास्नी त भागेर मावली पुगिछे । खोक्सुङ एक्लै घर फर्यो ।
खेक्सुङका बाबु खस्ता मात्रै स्वास्नी घर आई । कार्जे सकेर कुल-कुटुम्ब सबै गएपछि घरमा आमा, खोक्सुङ र स्वास्नी मात्र रहे। एक रात खोक्सुङले आँट कस्यो- अब साथीभाइले भनेजस्तै नगरी भएन । ऊ हिंस्रक आक्रमणमा उत्रियो तर कसोकसो कर नपरिरहेको मौका पारेर स्वास्नीले छातीमा जोर लात हानी । खोक्सुङ उछिट्टिएर कुनामा पछारियो । कुनामा ओथारो बसेको कुखुरा तर्सेर कराउँदै बाहिर निस्क्यो । घरभित्र सुतेकी आमा स्याल आएको भन्ठानेर हातमा अगुल्टो लिएर कराउँदै बाहिर निस्किइन् । त्यही मौकामा स्वास्नीले चम्पट हानिछे ।
खासमा खोक्सुङ आमाको करले मात्र स्वास्नी लिन जाँदै छ । उसलाई यो स्वास्नीले घर गरी खान्छ भन्ने फिटिक्कै विश्वास छैन । पल्टनमै सम्धि बोलेका बाउ पनि अब छैनन् । आमाले ‘बाउको वचन त राख्’ भनेकाले मात्र ऊ अन्तिम पटक ससुराल जाँदै छ ।
खोक्सुङ ससुराल पुग्दा सासूआमा बाहिर सिकुवामै भेटिइन् । ज्वाइँलाई देख्नासाथ घरभित्र मुन्टो घुमाएर कराइन्, ‘कान्छी बाहिर निस्की ।’
खोक्सुङले सासूआमालाई ढोग्यो ।
‘ए, भेना पो ।’ कान्छी सालीले सेवारो गरी । हतार-हतार खाटमा राढी ओछ्‌याउँदै साली हुनाको मजाक थपिहाली, ‘हाओ भेना । तपाईं त ससुराल आउनै पो छोड्नुभो त ? दिदीले साह्रै पो चित्त दुखाइदियो कि ? दिदीको सट्टा कि मै पो जाऊँ हाउ ?’
खोक्सुङले शिरदेखि पाइतालासम्म सालीलाई एकखेप हेर्यो । अस्तिको फुच्ची केटीमा अचम्मैको आकर्षण देख्यो तर केही नबोली मुस्कुरायो मात्र । पानीको गाग्रो बोकेर आउँदै गरेकी स्वास्नीले पिँढीनेर आइपुग्दा खोक्सुङलाई देखी । बहिनीले दिदीको डोको समाई । गाग्री निकालेर खुट्टा बजार्दै स्वास्नी घरभित्र गएको खोक्सुङले हेरेन । त्यहीवेला सासूआमाले कान्छीलाई कराइन्, ‘फतरफतर के बोलिबसेको ? भेनालाई भित्र बोला ।’
सालीले ‘लु भेना भित्र जाऊँ भनेको खोक्सुङलाई बडो अच्छा लाग्यो । ऊ भित्र के पस्यो, स्वास्नीचाहिँ फुत्तै बाहिर निस्किई । सासूआमाले सम्धिनीको सन्चोबिसन्चो सोध्दै गर्दा आइपुगेका ससुराबाले दैलोमै उभिएर सोधे, ‘को हाओ यो रूखको ठुटाजस्तो ?’
‘बाउ म पो,’ खोक्सुङले ससुराबा उभिएकै ठाउँमा गएर खुट्टामै ढोग्यो ।
‘ए नाक्चीको पोइ पो !’ ससुराबाले कम्मरमा बाँधेको खुकुरी खोलेर मूल खाँबोको काँटीमा झुण्ड्याए । त्यसपछि खाटमा उपरखुट्टी लाउँदै सोधे, ‘अनि किन पो आइस् त ?’
‘हजुरको सम्धिनीले बुहारी लिन पठाएर पो,’ खोक्सुङले सानो स्वरमा भन्यो ।
‘तेरो स्वास्नी हो, आफैँ फकाएर लैजा,’ ससुराबाले कुरा सके । सालीले किनामा भुट्नलाई डढाएको खुर्सानीले खोक्सुङ नराम्ररी सर्कियो । ऊ नाकमुख छोपेर खोक्दै सिकुवामा निस्कियो । खाटमा बसेकी स्वास्नी फुत्त भित्र पसी ।
खाना खाएर खोक्सुङ बाहिर खाटमा बसिरहेको थियो, स्वास्नी र साली जूठा भाँडाकुँडा लिएर निस्किए । खोक्सुङलाई लाग्यो- मौका यही हो स्वास्नीसँग कुरा गर्ने । आजसम्म उसले स्वास्नीसँग दोहोरो बात मारेकै थिएन । छेउमा पुगेर उसले भन्यो, ‘घर गरिखाने हो भने भोलि घर हिंड, होइन भने…’
खोक्सुङले पूरा कुरा भन्नै नपाई स्वास्नीले हातको भाँडा पछारी र घरभित्र पसी ।
‘छि: भेना तपाईं त ! बूढी फकाउन पनि नजान्ने ।’ सालीले खितिति गरेर हाँसिदिई ।
खासमा खोक्सुङले पनि त्यसै भन्न चाहेकोचाहिँ थिएन । उसले राम्ररी नै फकाउनु चाहेको थियो तर भन्दा त्यसै भनिपठायो । आफ्नो कुरै नसुनी स्वास्नी फन्केर हिँडेकोमा खोक्सुङको चित्त दुख्यो, रिस पनि उठ्यो ।
सालीले एक्लै धन्दा सकी । स्वास्नी बाहिर निस्किँदा पनि निस्किइन ।
भेना ! राति डर लाग्छ भने भन्नू है ! म साथी दिन आउँछु ।’ खाटमा ओछ्यान लगाइदिँदै सालीले भनी ।
‘ल ।’
‘नसुती पर्खिनु है त ।’ सालीले आँखा पनि सन्काइदिई । खोक्सुङ हेरेकोहेर्यै भयो ।
सालीले भित्र पसेर ढोकामा आग्लो लगाएपछि खोक्सुङ सिरक ओढेर ओछ्यानमा ढल्क्यो । जुनेली रात थियो । गाउँका कुकुरहरू भुकेको सुनेर ससुराली घरको कुकुर पनि भुक्न थाल्यो । स्वास्नीको बारे मनमा अनेक कुरा खेलाउँदै, ओल्टोकोल्टो गर्दागर्दै खोक्सुङ आधा रात कट्नै लागेको वेला भित्रबाट ढोका खोलियो । खोक्सुङ तर्सियो तर मस्त निदाएजस्तो नाटक गर्यो ।
मनमा झिलिक्क लोभ आयो- ‘साली त होइन ?’ उसले सिरकलाई उचालेर हेर्यो । होइन, स्वास्नीचाँहि रहिछ । ऊ चाल मारेर उठ्यो र बिस्तारै स्वास्नीको पिछा लाग्यो । स्वास्नी सुँगुरको खोरपछाडि पिसाब फेर्न बसी । खोक्सुङ त्यहीं पुग्यो । स्वास्नी तर्सेर उठी । खोक्सुङले पाखुरामा च्याप्प समातेर आफूतिर तान्यो ।
स्वास्नीले फुत्कनका लागि सक्दो बल गरी, खोक्सुङले झनै कसिलो गरी कस्दै ल्यायो । केहीछिनपछि स्वास्नीले बल गर्न छोडी । अब खोक्सुङले मनमौजी गर्नथाल्यो । गाउँभरिका कुकुरहरू उसै गरी भुकिरहेका थिए । ससुराली घरको कुकुर भने खोई किन हो ? चुप थियो ।
बिहान साली आँगनमा खरेटो लाउँदै गर्दा खोक्सुङ ससुरालको नयाँ ओखली नियाँल्दै थियो ।
‘के पो हेर्नुभो भेना त्यति साह्रो ?’ सालीले सोधी, ‘हाम्रो लेकमा धान कुटी खानु छैन क्यारे । यसो किनामा बनाई खानुलाई बनाको ।’
‘ओए कान्छी, ज्वाइँलाई गोरु फुकाई दे । तल तोरीबारी जोतोस् ।’ पिंढीमा उभिएका ससुराबाले आदेश दिए ।
‘कान्छी, भेनालाई भित्र ले ! खाजा खाएर जानू !’ घरभित्रबाट सासूआमाले भनिन् ।
खोक्सुङ भित्र पस्दा स्वास्नी जाँड छान्दै थिई । रातिको हर्कत सम्झेर उसलाई लाज र डर दुवै भयो ।
‘उसै त भागिहिँड्ने, अब त झन् के मान्ली र घर जान । गोरू नारिराखेर उतैउतै धाईफाल दिनुपर्ला । भुत्रा गर्नु ससुरालीको काम ? अर्कै केटी ल्याइन्छ । साले झ्याइँ झ्याइँ विहे गरिन्छ’ यस्तै के के सोच्दै गर्दा खोक्सुङको अगाडि सालीले जाँड राखिदिई ।
खोक्सुङले शङ्का मान्दै डबका उठायो । सोच्यो- ‘अमिलो होला पक्कै । यसले मलाई भगाउने जाँड बनाएको हुनुपर्छ ।’
एक सुरुप जाँड तानेपछि खोक्सुङ छक्कै पर्यो । उसले आजसम्म ससुराल घरमा यति मीठो जाँड पाएकै थिएन । सास नफेरी डबका रित्यायो । सालीले तीन खेप थपेपछि बल्ल उठ्यो । खोक्सुङ जाँडले रमरम भएर आँगनमा निस्किँदा स्वास्नीले हल्लुँडजोतारो दिँदै भनी, ‘छिटो गरेर आउनू है ! घर जानु ढिलो हुन्छ ।’
अचम्म !
विश्वास नलागेर खोक्सुङले स्वास्नीलाई पुलुक्क हेर्यो । स्वास्नी रातीपिरी भएर लजाउँदै भित्रतिर गई । खोक्सुङले रातिको कुरा सम्झ्यो । फिस्स हाँसेर लाग्यो बारीतिर छिटोछिटो ।
(उपेन्द्र सुब्बाको कथास‌ंग्रह ‘लाटो पहाड’बाट)
श्रोत अनि साभार लिंक :  https://sahityapost.com/aakhyan/story-aakhyan/150602/

Amit Shah’s Kolkata Visit Packed with Events, Possible Meeting with Deceased Doctor’s Family Amid RG Kar Hospital Protests

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, 

October 27, 2024, Kolkata :  Union Home Minister Amit Shah arrived in Kolkata on Saturday night aboard a BSF aircraft, touching down at Kolkata Airport at approximately 10:25 p.m. With a series of high-profile engagements lined up, Shah’s visit comes at a politically charged moment as tensions run high over recent incidents in the state. Upon arrival, he headed to a Rajarhat hotel, where he spent the night.

On Sunday morning, Shah is scheduled to travel to Kalyani via helicopter to participate in a BSF function. Following the event, he is expected to return to Kolkata in the afternoon to join a membership drive, aiming to bolster BJP’s grassroots support. Shah will also hold a strategic meeting with BJP state leadership in preparation for the upcoming by-elections. During this session, Shah is anticipated to assess the party’s organizational standing in Bengal, receiving updates from state BJP president Dr. Sukanta Majumder and opposition leader Suvendu Adhikari.

In the midst of his packed schedule, the Union Home Minister may potentially include an unscheduled visit to the family of Dr. Abhaya, a young doctor whose tragic death at RG Kar Medical College has sparked widespread protests. The doctor’s father had reached out to Shah through a formal letter, requesting a meeting. State BJP sources indicate that a meeting with Dr. Abhaya’s family would align with their call for justice in the case, especially as the incident has become a flashpoint for criticism of the state’s healthcare system and alleged administrative lapses.

Should Shah decide to meet with Dr. Abhaya’s family, the BJP believes this would send a powerful message of solidarity and add weight to their demand for an impartial investigation. As one of the country’s top political figures, his presence could amplify calls for justice, energizing the RG Kar protest movement. Whether the Home Minister can accommodate this meeting amid his busy itinerary remains unconfirmed, but state BJP officials are keen to ensure it happens.

After the day’s events, Shah is set to return to his Rajarhat hotel for a brief rest before his scheduled departure to Delhi later in the evening.

Amit Shah Inaugurates Modern Passenger Terminal at Petrapol, Promises “Achche Din” for Bengal Starting 2026

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, 

October 27, 2024, Kolkata :  Union Home Minister Amit Shah inaugurated a state-of-the-art passenger terminal at Petrapol port on Sunday, signaling the start of what he claims will be a period of positive transformation for West Bengal. In his address, Shah assured citizens that “Achche din [better days] are not far away” and will begin in earnest from 2026, the year of the next state assembly elections. Shah’s remarks included a sharp critique of the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government, arguing that central government schemes intended for the welfare of Bengal’s citizens have failed to reach them under the current administration.

During his visit, Shah emphasized the significance of Petrapol, a crucial border crossing with Bangladesh in Bangaon, North 24 Parganas. The Home Minister reiterated the importance of managing cross-border movements and raised concerns about what he termed “disturbances to Bengal’s peace” due to unauthorized migration. Shah acknowledged that legal visitors from Bangladesh, numbering around 5,000-6,000, often cross the border for medical treatment in India, particularly benefiting from healthcare services at AIIMS Kalyani, which brings economic opportunities to local communities. However, he underscored that unchecked cross-border movement has led to societal strains and pledged that, if the BJP comes to power in 2026, infiltration would be decisively curbed.

Shah also contrasted the developmental strides under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government with what he described as a period of stagnation under the previous UPA administration. In a pointed reminder, he highlighted that during UPA’s tenure, the TMC was part of the coalition, implying the state government’s responsibility for perceived shortcomings during that period. Shah presented financial data, emphasizing that Modi’s government has allocated significantly higher funds for Bengal’s development over the past decade than the previous government, further stating that Modi remains committed to Bengal’s prosperity.

The Union Home Minister’s visit and statements are being widely interpreted as a precursor to the BJP’s campaign narrative for the 2026 elections, focusing on governance issues, cross-border security, and socio-economic development. As Bengal prepares for this electoral journey, Shah’s remarks signal the BJP’s intent to position itself as a viable alternative to the TMC, underscoring both the challenges and promises for Bengal’s future.

Rahul Gandhi Expresses Discontent Over Congress Candidate List for Maharashtra Assembly Elections

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, 

October 27, 2024, New Delhi : Congress leader Rahul Gandhi has voiced dissatisfaction with his party’s candidate selection for the upcoming Maharashtra assembly polls, set for November 20. The elections, which will be conducted in a single phase, see October 29 as the final date for submitting nomination papers. With two days left, efforts to resolve seat-sharing disputes within the opposition alliance Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) are intensifying.

So far, MVA has been able to allocate candidates for 217 out of the 288 seats in the Maharashtra Assembly. Over the weekend, the Congress finalized candidates for 39 seats, with 16 candidates announced on Sunday and 23 on Saturday. Meanwhile, Uddhav Thackeray’s Shiv Sena has fielded candidates for a total of 80 seats, with 15 announced in the latest list. Sharad Pawar’s NCP has put forth candidates for 66 constituencies. However, both parties in the alliance have overlapped in several constituencies, causing friction.

While the NDA’s allies observe the unfolding seat allocation struggle, Rahul Gandhi’s dissatisfaction with the Maharashtra Congress Screening Committee is evident. Sources report that Gandhi is particularly concerned about seats being allocated to Uddhav Thackeray’s Shiv Sena in districts where Congress has a historically strong presence. He questions the strategy, especially given the Congress’s aspirations to contest 110 seats across the state.

The party’s internal goal was bolstered by its success in reaching 99 seats in the Lok Sabha elections earlier this year, creating a sense of optimism. However, a recent loss in Haryana has cast a shadow over this optimism, fueling tensions within the Congress about the Maharashtra campaign strategy.

Gandhi has reportedly conveyed that he feels Shiv Sena was awarded more seats than necessary, particularly in Congress strongholds like Mumbai and Vidarbha. Congress legislative party leader Balasaheb Thorat, state party representative Ramesh Chennithala, and state president Nana Patole have been tasked with negotiating seat adjustments within the MVA alliance. However, Gandhi is displeased with their approach, which he believes has overly favored Shiv Sena at Congress’s expense.

Further adding to his concerns, Gandhi feels that certain segments within the OBC community have been given preference on the candidate list, while other groups have been overlooked. A number of critical seats, however, remain unresolved, leaving Congress leaders in a last-minute scramble to finalize a coherent strategy for the alliance.

With just days remaining, the challenges within the alliance and the internal rifts over candidate allocations suggest that the Congress faces a challenging path ahead in the Maharashtra assembly elections.

भेजिटेरियनको पुनर्पठन : द भेजिटेरियन उपन्यास समीक्षाः सामाजिक दबाब र वैयक्तिक स्वायत्तताको द्वन्द्व

विन्देश दहाल, साहित्य पोस्ट, आश्विन २८, सोमबार  : 

यस वर्षको साहित्यतर्फको नोबेल पुरस्कार विजेता दक्षिण कोरियाली लेखिका हान काङको उपन्यास ‘द भेजिटेरियन’ समीक्षकले आठ वर्षअघि नै पढिसकेको हो । त्यतिखेर यस उपन्यासले विख्यात बूकर अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय पुरस्कार प्राप्त गरेर चर्चा कमाएको थियो । अनि त्यसमाथि समीक्षक आफैं शाकाहारी भएकाले उपन्यासको शीर्षकले मन तानेको थियो । अहिले लेखिका हानले नोबेल पुरस्कार जितेपछि समीक्षकले पुस्तकलाई दोहो-याएर पढ्ने अवसर जुरेको हो । पुनर्पठन
सन् २००७ मा कोरियाली भाषामा प्रकाशित यस उपन्यासलाई डेबोरा स्मिथले अंग्रेजीमा अनुवाद गरेकी हुन् । अनुवादमा पनि लेखिका हानको काव्यात्मक शैली प्रतिबिम्बित भएको छ ।
यो उपन्यासमा योङ–हे नामक महिला केन्द्रीय पात्रका रूपमा रहेकी छन् । उनले पशुहरूलाई क्रूरतापूर्वक मारिएको वीभत्स र तर्साउने दुःस्वप्न देख्न थालेपछि मासु खान छोड्ने संकल्प लिन्छिन् । मांसाहारी समाजमा उनको यो निर्णय विद्रोहात्मक मानिन्छ र उनको परिवारले उनलाई यो निर्णय उल्ट्याउनका लागि दबाब दिन्छन् । तर उनी निर्णयमा अटल रहन्छिन् । उनको यो हठका कारण जीवनमा एकपछि अर्को घटनाक्रम हुन थाल्छ र उनी स्वयं तथा उनी नजिकका मानिसले उथलपुथल अनुभव गर्छन् ।
उपन्यास तीन भागमा विभाजित छ र प्रत्येक भागलाई बेग्लाबेग्लै पात्रको दृष्टिकोणबाट प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ । योङ–हेका पति, भिनाजु र दिदीले आफ्नो दृष्टिकोणबाट कथा बताउँदै गर्दा योङ–हे स्वयंको आवाज उपन्यासमा खासै सुनिँदैन । उनी रहस्यमयी पात्रका रूपमा रहन्छिन् र यसले औपन्यासिक रहस्यलाई पनि घनीभूत बनाउँछ । यसरी योङ–हेलाई केन्द्रीय पात्र बनाएर पनि आवाज नदिई लेखिका हानले पाठकहरूलाई कुनै पनि व्यक्तिको जीवन बुझ्नका लागि बाहिरी दृष्टिकोणहरू पर्याप्त नहुने यथार्थसँग साक्षात्कार गराएकी छन् । हाम्रो समाजमा पनि कुनै व्यक्तिका बारेमा आफैं बुझ्ने कोशिश गर्नुको साटो अरू व्यक्तिले उसमाथि बनाएको धारणालाई सर्लक्क अपनाउने प्रवृत्ति हावी रहेकाले नेपालीहरूले पनि यस उपन्यासको कथानक शैलीलाई आत्मसात गर्न सक्ने देखिन्छ ।
उपन्यासको पहिलो भाग योङ–हेका पति चोङको दृष्टिकोणबाट बताइएको छ । उनी सामान्य व्यक्ति हुन् र उनले योङ–हेलाई सोझी भएकाले विवाह गरेका हुन् । आफूले भनेको खुरुखुरु मान्ने आज्ञाकारी पत्नीले अचानक मासु खान छोड्ने निर्णय लिँदा उनी चकित मात्र नभई स्तब्ध नै हुन्छन् । पत्नीको व्यवहारले असजहता आउने भएकाले उनी योङ–हेलाई पुरानै जीवनशैली अपनाउनका लागि दबाब दिन्छन् । उनको यस व्यवहारले कोरियाली समाजमा व्याप्त पितृसत्तात्मक सोच र कठोर सामाजिक बन्धनलाई प्रतिबिम्बित गर्दछ ।
त्यसो त योङ–हेले नैतिक वा धार्मिक आधारमा भन्दा पनि पशुलाई वीभत्स रूपमा हत्या गरी चारैतिर रगत छरेको सपना बारम्बार देखेकाले मासु खान छोडेकी हुन् । उनी पहिला मासु खान छोड्छिन् र बिस्तारै मानिसहरूबाट पनि टाढिन थाल्छिन् । उनको यो विद्रोह शुरूमा त सानो स्तरको हुन्छ तर बिस्तारै यसले उनको वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध र परिवारबाट सहनुपरेको दमनलाई उजागर गर्दै जान्छ । पति चोङले पत्नीको निर्णयप्रति सहानुभूति नदेखाउनु र उनलाई बुझ्ने कोशिश पनि नगर्नुले कोरियाली समाजमा महिलाले परम्परागत भूमिकाबाट दायाँबायाँ गर्दा सामना गर्नुपर्ने चुनौतीलाई प्रतिबिम्बित गर्दछ ।
हान काङ, बूकर पुरस्कार हात पारेपछि
योङ–हेको विद्रोहलाई सहन नसकी उनका पिताले जबर्जस्ती मासु खुवाउनका लागि कुटपिट गर्छन् । यस घटनाले पितृसत्तात्मक सोचको दमनकारी चरित्रलाई उजागर गर्छ । यसको प्रतिकारका रूपमा योङ–हेले आफ्नो नाडी काट्छिन् । यस कदमले उनको अवसादलाई संकेत गर्नुका साथै समाजको साँघुरो घेराबाट फुत्किने उनको प्रयासलाई पनि इंगित गर्दछ ।
दोस्रो भागमा योङ–हेको भिनाजु (नाम खुलाइएको छैन) को दृष्टिकोणबाट कथा अघि बढ्छ । भिनाजु कलाकार हुन् र योङ–हेको शरीरमा फूल आकारको नीलो दाग छ भन्ने थाहा पाएपछि उनी योङ–हेप्रति बढी नै आकर्षित हुन्छन् । उनी योङ–हेलाई कामुकताले भरिएको कलाका रूपमा प्रस्तुत गर्न चाहन्छन् । योङ–हेको शरीरमा फूलहरूको चित्र बनाएर उनलाई नग्न अवस्थामा राखी कलाको नमूना पेश गर्ने भिनाजुको धोको हुन्छ । यस अर्थमा योङ–हेप्रति भिनाजुको आकर्षणमा पवित्र उद्देश्य नभई उनलाई वस्तुकरण गर्ने र आफ्नो स्वार्थसिद्धि गर्ने जमर्को मात्र हुन्छ ।
यसरी महिलाको शरीरप्रति पुरुषको आकर्षण, कामुक सोच र शोषणको चाहनालाई उपन्यासले प्रस्तुत गरेको छ । योङ–हेका पतिले उनलाई आज्ञाकारी कामदारका रूपमा वस्तुकरण गरेझैं भिनाजुले कलाको एक माध्यमका रूपमा वस्तुकरण गर्न खोजेका छन् । योङ–हेको मौनतालाई भिनाजुले स्वीकृतिका रूपमा बुझ्छन् र आफ्ना स्वैरकल्पनाहरू योङ–हेमाथि थोपर्छन् । त्यसक्रममा उनी योङ–हेको स्वतन्त्रता र स्वायत्ततालाई सम्मान गर्दैनन् ।
हान काङको भेजिटेरियन उपन्यासको नेपाली अनुवाद
भिनाजुले आफ्नो कला परियोजना अन्तर्गत योङ–हे र एकजना साथीबीच यौनक्रीडा गराएर त्यसको भिडियो बनाउन खोज्छन् । साथीले लाज मानेर यसो गर्न नमानेपछि उनी आफैं नांगिएर योङ–हेसँग यौनसम्बन्ध राख्छन् र त्यसको भिडियो खिच्छन् । योङ–हे यो समयसम्म मानसिक रूपमा विक्षिप्त जस्तो भइसकेकाले आफूमाथि यौनशोषण गरिँदैछ भन्ने समेत थाहा पाउँदिनन् । तर उनकी दिदीले आफ्ना पति र दिदीबीचको सम्बन्धको खुलासा गर्ने भिडियो हेरेपछि प्रहरी बोलाउँछिन् ।
भिनाजु र योङ–हेबीचको सम्बन्धलाई आधार बनाएर लेखिका हानले कलात्मक सिर्जनाको उद्देश्यमाथि प्रश्न गरेकी छन् । कलालाई स्वतन्त्रताको सूचकका रूपमा लिनुपर्छ कि यो पनि वस्तुकरणको एक माध्यम हो ? कलाको नाममा भिनाजुले आफूमाथि गरेको शारीरिक शोषणलाई योङ–हेले सामाजिक बन्धनबाट स्वतन्त्र रहेको भनी देखाउन खोजेकी हुन् कि महिलाको शरीरमाथि पुरुषको कामुक दृष्टिलाई वैधता दिएकी हुन् ? यी प्रश्नहरूले पाठकको मथिंगल हल्लाउँछ ।
तेस्रो भागमा योङ–हेकी दिदी इन–हेको दृष्टिकोणबाट कथानक अघि बढाइएको छ । इन–हे यस परिवारकी जेठीबाठी र जिम्मेवार सदस्य हुन् । बहिनीको विद्रोही कदमले उनलाई गम्भीर असर पारेको छ । उनी पनि आफ्ना व्यक्तिगत चाहनाहरूलाई कसरी समाजको अपेक्षारूपी बन्धनको वेदीमा बलिदान दिनुपरेको थियो भनेर घोत्लिने गर्छिन् । योङ–हे मानसिक रूपमा विक्षिप्त भएर अस्पतालमा भर्ना हुनुपरेपछि इन–हेले सामाजिक दमनका कारण महिलाको मनमा पर्ने असरका बारेमा सोच्छिन् । आफूले पनि सामाजिक व्यवहार कायम गर्नका लागि गर्नुपरेको अनेकौं बलिदानलाई उनी सम्झिन्छिन् ।
बहिनीलाई मानसिक अस्पतालमा राखेपछि इन–हे उनको स्याहार गर्न थाल्छिन् । पिताले बहिनीमाथि गरेको दमनलाई रोक्न नसकेको र पितृसत्तात्मक समाजको क्रूरताबाट बहिनीलाई संरक्षण गर्न नसकेको कुराले उनलाई पश्चात्तापको अनुभव गराउँछ । बहिनी दिनानुदिन मानसिक विक्षिप्तताको रसातलमा धसिँदै गएको देख्दा उनलाई पीडा हुन्छ तर उनी केही गर्न सक्दिनन् । तर त्यससँगै समाजको कठोर बन्धनबाट मुक्त भई आफ्नै मानसिक संसारमा विचरण गरिरहेकी बहिनीको भाग्य देखेर इन–हे ईर्ष्यालु पनि बन्छिन् ।
उपन्यासको अंग्रेजी संस्करण
यसरी यस उपन्यासले व्यक्ति र समाजबीचको द्वन्द्वको कथा भन्छ । व्यक्तिको इच्छाको अभिव्यक्ति र स्वायत्तताको चाहनालाई समाजले कसरी दमन गरी परम्परागत ढर्रामै रहिरहन बाध्य बनाउँछ भन्ने कटुसत्यलाई उपन्यासले भावोद्वेलित हुने गरी प्रस्तुत गरेको छ । मासु खान छोड्ने नितान्त वैयक्तिक निर्णयले योङ–हेलाई क्रूर सामाजिक दमनको शिकार बनाएको र मानसिक विक्षिप्तताका साथ बाँच्न बाध्य बनाएको दुःखान्त कथानकले पाठकको मन निचोर्छ । परम्परागत जीवनपद्धतिको दमनबाट मुक्ति पाउने उपाय भनेको पागलपन मात्र हो त ? पाठकहरूले उपन्यास पढेपछि मनमा यो कुरा खेलाउने छन् ।
समीक्षकले कोरियाली भाषा नबुझ्ने भए पनि हान काङको लेखनशैली पक्कै सुन्दर होला जस्तो लाग्छ किनकि अंग्रेजी अनुवाद पनि आफैंमा काव्यात्मक छ । योङ–हेका सपनाहरूको वर्णन र सामाजिक यथार्थताबाट उनी उदासीन बन्दै गएको विवरणलाई कुनै गीतिकवितासरी प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ । अन्य पात्रहरूमार्फत योङ–हेको कथा भनेर लेखिकाले उनको मानसिक परिवर्तनको यात्राको जटिलतालाई पाठकसामु प्रस्तुत गरेकी छन् ।
यो उपन्यासको पठन सरल छैन किनकि यसको संरचना नै बहुल दृष्टिकोणयुक्त छ । पशुमाथिको क्रूरता र रगतको आहालका वर्णनहरूले पाठकलाई बिच्क्याउन सक्छन् । तर उपन्यासमा प्रयुक्त रगत, फूल र रुखहरूको दोहोरिरहने बिम्बले यसलाई स्वप्नशीलता प्रदान गरेको छ ।
मानवीय हिंसाको अस्वीकार यस उपन्यासको सबभन्दा सशक्त पक्ष हो । योङ–हेले पशुमाथि गरिने क्रूरतामा आफ्नो सहभागिता नरहने कुरा राख्दै गर्दा अन्य मानिससँगको सम्बन्धलाई समेत बलिदान दिन्छिन् । अन्तिममा उनी प्रकृतिको एक अंगका रूपमा परिणत भएको वर्णन छ । यसलाई वैयक्तिक स्वायत्तताका रूपमा पनि हेर्न सकिन्छ भने यो वैयक्तिकताको हरण पनि हो । उपन्यासले पाठकलाई समाज र व्यक्तिको सम्बन्धमा विभिन्न प्रश्न सोध्न प्रेरित गर्छ र कुनै सरल उत्तर दिँदैन । यस अर्थमा यो वैचारिक उपन्यास पनि हो ।
हान काङले लैंगिक यथार्थ, वैयक्तिक स्वायत्तता र पागलपन जस्ता जटिल विषयहरूलाई काव्यात्मक भाषा र लेखनशैलीमार्फत बलियो आख्यानका रूपमा प्रस्तुत गरेकी छन् । उपन्यास पढिसक्दा पाठकको मन र मस्तिष्क दुवैमा गहिरो प्रभाव पर्दछ ।
श्रोत अनि साभार लिंक : https://sahityapost.com/top-news/156777/

Election Preparations Heat Up in Maharashtra as Commission Cracks Down on Corruption

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 26, 2024, Kolkata: As preparations ramp up for the upcoming Maharashtra elections, the Election Commission is taking decisive steps to ensure a peaceful and fair electoral process. With significant challenges posed by key political figures like Sharad Pawar and the BJP, officials are poised to combat the influence of money and muscle power in this high-stakes contest.

Tensions are escalating as both major parties intensify their campaigning efforts. In-depth analyses of seat allocations and candidate strategies are also underway. The Code of Conduct came into effect in Maharashtra on October 15, prompting the commission to implement measures aimed at maintaining the integrity of the elections.

The Chief Election Officer of Maharashtra revealed that from October 15 to 25, officials conducted a series of raids, resulting in the seizure of assets valued at ₹104 million. The confiscated items include substantial amounts of cash, illegal drugs, liquor, and valuable metals, highlighting the commission’s commitment to addressing electoral malpractice.

In a proactive approach, the Election Commission has mobilized various agencies, including the Income Tax Department, LISH, Revenue Intelligence, Narcotics Bureau, and Customs and Excise Department. Special operations have been notably concentrated in the suburbs of Mumbai, as well as in the districts of Nagpur and Ratnagiri.

Furthermore, the commission reported that, to date, 1,144 complaints have been lodged through the CVIGIL app, with an impressive 99% of these complaints investigated and resolved.

Maharashtra is set to vote in a single phase on November 20, with the counting of votes for the 288-seat Assembly elections scheduled for November 23. As the election date approaches, the focus remains on ensuring a transparent and accountable process amid the charged political atmosphere.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni Appointed Election Brand Ambassador for Jharkhand Elections

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 26, 2024, Kolkata: The National Election Commission has appointed former Indian cricket captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni as the election brand ambassador for the upcoming Jharkhand elections, as announced by Jharkhand Chief Electoral Officer K. Ravikumar during a press conference.

Dhoni, a legendary figure in Indian cricket, has been a prominent leader of the national team for many years. This time, he has been entrusted with a significant responsibility by the Election Commission. “Mahendra Singh Dhoni has granted permission to the Election Commission to use his image. He will play a crucial role in sensitizing and encouraging the public to participate in the voting process,” Ravikumar stated.

The Election Commission is actively engaging with Dhoni to strategize on future election-related initiatives. Experts believe that Dhoni’s immense popularity, especially among the youth, will be instrumental in motivating the new generation to vote. Given this, the Election Commission has chosen him as the brand ambassador to foster greater voter turnout.

While this initiative is not entirely new, as former cricket captain Sachin Tendulkar was appointed as the National Icon in 2023, the trend continues with cricketer Shubman Gill recently selected as the state icon for Punjab.

The Jharkhand Assembly elections are set to take place in two phases on November 13 and 20, with counting scheduled for November 23. The first phase will cover 43 assembly constituencies, while the second phase will encompass 38 constituencies, marking a significant opportunity for voter engagement in the region.

Rising Tensions Among Junior Doctors: New Organization Launches Amid Allegations of Intimidation

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 26, 2024, Kolkata: A public convention at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital took a dramatic turn on Saturday afternoon with the debut of a new organization representing junior doctors. Srish Chakraborty, the convener of this group, made explosive allegations during a press conference, claiming systemic injustices against their ranks.

“Unjust treatment is rampant,” Chakraborty asserted. “We have endured both mental and physical harm. A particularly troubling incident occurred on August 9 when a faction of our peers chose to strike for political gain. We were the pioneers of this movement, advocating for a boycott in the name of patient service. Yet, we are branded as instigators and accused of fostering a culture of intimidation.”

Chakraborty expressed frustration over being ostracized from the college environment, stating, “We are labeled criminals. Meanwhile, substantial funds have been withdrawn under the guise of ‘Abhaya Didi’ and in the name of Rhea Bera—figures that some consider notorious. They are jeopardizing our careers.” He extended a call to action to all medical colleges, urging collaboration with the West Bengal Junior Doctors Association to dismantle what he termed a “culture of terror.”

The turmoil surrounding the junior doctors is further compounded by ongoing disputes related to the Arjikar case. Agitator junior doctor Aniket Mahato accused the state administration of perpetuating a culture of discrimination. Another junior doctor, Debashish, echoed these sentiments, claiming, “Threat syndicates are active not just at RG Kar but among students associated with the ruling party. Some organizations support this intimidation. Their timing is suspicious—why form a new organization and hold a press conference now? We are committed to intensifying our movement, ensuring that individuals like Sudeep Ghosh do not prevail.”

As tensions mount, the junior doctors’ community remains divided, with calls for unity and a demand for justice echoing through the halls of the medical institution.

CM Mamata Banerjee Warns Against Unrest During Cyclone and Festive Season, Calls for Heightened Security Amid Cyclone Dana’s Impact

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 25, 2024, Kolkata: As Cyclone Dana lashed the coastal districts of West Bengal, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee maintained round-the-clock vigilance from the control room at Nabanna, the state secretariat, coordinating relief and monitoring potential threats overnight on Thursday. Addressing the press on Friday afternoon, Banerjee voiced concerns that the simultaneous occurrence of the festival season and a natural disaster could be exploited to incite unrest. She cautioned officials to prevent any attempts at mischief amid the prevailing challenges.

“The state is facing both a calamity and a festive season. We have reports of potential unrest, especially with Kali Puja and Jagaddhatri Puja approaching, and we cannot afford any untoward incidents,” Banerjee stated. She called on law enforcement agencies and detectives to intensify surveillance, particularly in sensitive regions, underscoring that this vigilance is crucial to ensure peace.

Earlier on Friday morning, Banerjee convened a meeting with the District Magistrates and senior administrative officials, instructing them to assess ground-level impacts of the cyclone and submit detailed reports. With Cyclone Dana’s landfall affecting various parts of South 24 Parganas and East Midnapore, Banerjee highlighted the urgency of addressing infrastructure damage, particularly as several houses have sustained cracks and other structural damage in East Midnapore.

The Chief Minister confirmed one cyclone-related fatality, revealing that the individual died due to the storm’s impact while at home. Expressing condolences, Banerjee assured the family of the deceased of government support and emphasized her administration’s commitment to the welfare of all affected.

The government’s rapid response prevented recent unrest from spreading in areas like Howrah, where isolated incidents were reported. Banerjee’s directive to the police and intelligence agencies highlights the administration’s determination to maintain stability during the festival season.

Cyclone Dana’s influence continues to be felt, with severe flooding and blocked access in several coastal districts. Banerjee reassured the public that relief operations are underway, and medical camps have been mobilized to provide immediate assistance. As the state prepares for the upcoming festivities, Banerjee’s call for vigilance reflects a determined approach to ensuring both the physical and social safety of Bengal’s residents during this critical time.

Drama Unfolds in JPC Meeting on Waqf Bill: TMC’s Kalyan Banerjee Removed After Heated Exchange, Allegations of Targeting Surface

Drama Unfolds in JPC Meeting on Waqf Bill 

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 25, 2024, Kolkata: Tensions ran high at the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) meeting on the Waqf Bill on October 22, where a heated exchange led to Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Kalyan Banerjee being dismissed from the committee following an outburst. In the midst of a fierce argument, Banerjee reportedly lost his temper, smashing a glass water bottle on the table in frustration. The incident, which left his hand injured, saw him leaving the room with a bandage on his hand, supported by AIMIM MP Asaduddin Owaisi.

Witnesses report that as discussions on the Waqf Bill intensified, verbal exchanges escalated into a near-scuffle between Banerjee and BJP MP Abhijit Gangopadhyay, a former Calcutta High Court judge. Amidst the tension, a broken glass bottle lay on the table, adding to the charged atmosphere. Allegations surfaced that Banerjee had attempted to throw the bottle toward JPC Chairperson Jagdambika Pal, though Banerjee dismissed these accusations, instead pointing to what he claimed was a targeted attack against him for his strong stance on secularism.

“I am being singled out because I stand firm against communal agendas,” Banerjee commented, speaking about the incident for the first time since it occurred. “I have faced threats before, and there is even a plot to eliminate me. They can go as far as killing me for my commitment to non-communal values and secularism,” he added.

Despite being removed from the committee, Banerjee remains defiant, with BJP MPs now urging for a suspension from the Lok Sabha as well. The demand for stricter action underscores the mounting tensions between BJP and TMC representatives, especially on sensitive legislative issues like the Waqf Bill.

Banerjee, however, voiced disappointment over his treatment by Chairperson Jagdambika Pal, recalling that he had celebrated Pal’s birthday just the night before. “This lack of courtesy is disappointing. I got six stitches on my hand, and yet here I am, unfairly targeted,” he remarked.

The incident highlights the intensifying political rift within parliamentary discussions, raising questions about decorum and the challenges of maintaining bipartisan cooperation on contentious bills. The JPC is expected to issue a formal statement regarding the incident in the coming days, as Parliament braces for potential disciplinary proceedings against Banerjee.

Cyclone Aftermath: CM Mamata Banerjee Commends Response Efforts, Outlines Comprehensive Recovery Plan

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 25, 2024, Kolkata: At a review meeting on Friday, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee extended heartfelt appreciation to government officials, disaster response teams, local representatives, and the media for their coordinated and tireless response to Cyclone Dana. “Their dedication is truly remarkable,” Banerjee said, adding, “We monitored the situation through the night to ensure the safety of our people, and I commend everyone for their resilience and unity during this crisis.”

Banerjee outlined immediate and long-term relief plans, addressing government officials from all districts on proactive measures for the coming days. Key relief initiatives include crop insurance for farmers who suffered agricultural losses and housing support for those whose homes were damaged. Additionally, medical camps will be set up wherever required to provide health support, and all relief camps will remain on standby to assist affected residents.

Reaffirming the administration’s commitment to people’s welfare, Banerjee emphasized, “Our government is dedicated to alleviating the suffering of our people. The spirit of our ‘Ma-Mati-Manush’ government is always to act swiftly to restore normalcy and support our citizens.”

As the festive season approaches, with Jagaddhatri Puja, Chhath Puja, and Kali Puja on the horizon, Banerjee instructed the police to heighten surveillance, especially around the Ganga ghats, to ensure safety and prevent any disruptions. Specific directives were given to the Chandannagar Police Commissioner in Hooghly district, the District Magistrate, and the Superintendent of Police to increase vigilance across the region.

Lastly, the Chief Minister emphasized the importance of replanting trees in storm-damaged areas to restore green cover and enhance community resilience to future disasters.

Kolkata Municipal Corporation Grapples with Flooding Amid Heavy Rainfall

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 25, 2024, Kolkata :

nee-deep water has accumulated at the entrance of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation as the city faces a significant waterlogging crisis following heavy rains. Municipal workers are working diligently to manage water levels across various locations, but challenges persist as they navigate the flooded streets to reach their posts.

As municipal staff and officials attempt to normalize the situation, the conditions outside the control room raise concerns. Trinamool MP Sougat Roy highlighted the issue during a media interaction, expressing frustration over the persistent water accumulation. “I have observed significant water build-up in Kolkata Municipality and at SSKM Hospital,” he stated. “With the heavy rains, this accumulation is unsurprising, but certain areas, like Jodhpur zone, have been particularly hard-hit, receiving up to 70 millimeters of rain.”

Roy emphasized that the drainage issues are exacerbated by the ongoing rainfall. “The water will likely recede tonight, but the current situation makes it difficult to manage the water in front of my own house, let alone in places like Lake Gardens,” he lamented. “This issue has been a consistent problem in our neighborhood, and the drains on Anwar Shah Road have yet to be addressed.”

The municipal workers, despite the knee-deep water outside, remain committed to their duties, working tirelessly to mitigate the impact of the rain. However, Roy’s remarks underscore the need for a more comprehensive drainage solution to prevent similar crises in the future.

As the city continues to experience heavy rainfall, residents and officials alike are hopeful for swift action and effective measures to alleviate the flooding and improve the drainage infrastructure in Kolkata. 

Kolkata Faces Heavy Rainfall: Authorities Work to Manage Flooding

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 25, 2024, Kolkata Kolkata has experienced a significant downpour today, with approximately 100 mm of rain recorded since the morning, well above the normal rainfall average of 20 mm. The heavy rains have caused substantial water accumulation across the city, particularly in low-lying areas, where residents are grappling with flooding conditions.

According to reports, water levels have reached about six inches in various locations, including areas around the SSKM Hospital. Mayor Firhad Hakim addressed the situation, stating, “If it doesn’t rain again, the accumulated water should recede within three to four hours.” He emphasized that 483 large pumps are currently operational across the city’s 87 pumping stations, working tirelessly to clear the water.

Despite the heavy rainfall, Hakim reassured residents that there have been no reports of fallen trees or power poles, attributing this to the city’s preparedness. “Our workers have been on duty throughout the night, focusing on water removal,” he noted. The Mayor also highlighted the resilience of the Kolkata Municipality, stating, “14 lakh of us have been distilled from over 50 years of accumulated issues.”

In a proactive move, Hakim announced the development of a new pumping station in Thanthania, named the Netaji Pumping Station, aimed at enhancing the city’s drainage capabilities. He remarked, “We conducted a comprehensive audit before the monsoon, ensuring that not a single electrocution incident occurred during the rains.”

However, not all areas are coping effectively; the Ballygung pumping station faced operational challenges, leading to stagnant water in the vicinity. Mayor Hakim acknowledged this issue and assured the public that water in affected areas would be cleared shortly.

Additionally, the Mayor expressed concerns over what he described as deprivation of resources from the central government, stating that the city is relying heavily on state funds to manage the situation. He called for greater support and resources to address the ongoing challenges posed by heavy rains.

As the city navigates through these flooding issues, residents remain hopeful for timely interventions to restore normalcy.

Urgent Evacuation Efforts Underway as Cyclone Dana Approaches Hooghly District

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, Chunchura, October 25, 2024 : A warning has been issued across Hooghly district in anticipation of Cyclone Dana, expected to impact the region from Thursday midnight into Friday morning. The Hooghly Chunchura Municipality, in collaboration with district administration, is actively conducting evacuation operations to ensure the safety of residents, particularly those living along the banks of the Ganga.

On Thursday night, Hooghly Sadar Sub-Divisional Officer Smita Sanyal Shukla, along with Municipal Chief Amit Roy and other officials, visited vulnerable areas to alert residents about the impending cyclone. They emphasized the urgency of relocating to safer locations, particularly for those residing near the river.

Local leaders, including Town President Sanjeev Mitra and former Municipal Mayor Ashish Sen, joined Shukla in canvassing the neighborhoods to provide guidance and assistance. The Sadar Sadar Sub-Divisional Officer personally visited homes along the Ganga, ensuring that families had adequate food supplies and secure arrangements for evacuation.

Community halls were inspected to assess the welfare of those in need, with local representatives directed to implement necessary measures to safeguard residents. The officials’ proactive engagement has instilled a sense of reassurance among the community, especially in the Imambara area of Ward No. 9, where residents expressed gratitude for the timely support and guidance.

Authorities are urging all residents to heed evacuation orders and remain vigilant as Cyclone Dana approaches.

Cyclone Dana Nears Landfall: Heavy Rain and Strong Winds to Impact Coastal Regions of Odisha and West Bengal

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 24, 2024, Kolkata: Cyclone Dana, a powerful storm named by Qatar, is rapidly advancing towards the Odisha and West Bengal coastlines, with landfall expected to begin between Paradwip and Damra in Odisha later today. 

The cyclone is currently 255 km from Paradwip and 410 km from Sagardwip, moving northwest at a speed of 15 km per hour. Wind speeds are currently at 100 km per hour and are expected to intensify to 100-110 km per hour upon landfall.

The landfall process is likely to commence on Thursday, with the cyclone projected to weaken into a deep depression after it settles over land. Nevertheless, the coastal regions of Odisha and Bengal, especially the Sundarbans and districts like East and West Midnapore, will face heavy to very heavy rainfall along with strong winds. The storm’s impact on interior regions is expected to be less severe.

Areas Expected to Face Maximum Impact:

  • Puri: Heavy rain until noon on October 24, with wind speeds reaching 60-70 kmph.
  • Paradip: Heavy to very heavy rainfall until noon on October 25, with wind speeds peaking at 90-100 kmph.
  • Damra: Heavy to very heavy rain until noon on October 25, with winds possibly reaching 100-110 kmph.
  • Chandipur: Similar to Damra, heavy to very heavy rainfall will continue until the night of October 25, with wind speeds between 100-110 kmph.
  • Digha: Heavy rain is expected until the night of October 25, with wind speeds between 80-90 kmph.
  • Sagardeep: Very heavy rain is predicted until the morning of October 26, with winds reaching 70-80 kmph.
  • Gangetic West Bengal (including Kolkata): Moderate to heavy rainfall is expected in scattered areas until the morning of October 26, with wind speeds of 40-50 kmph.
As of now, the cyclone’s landfall process between Paradwip and Rajnagar is nearing completion, with current wind speeds recorded at 85-90 kmph. Scattered light rainfall and winds of 30-40 kmph are expected to continue across several districts in South Bengal.

Officials are closely monitoring the situation, and any changes in predictions will be promptly updated. Residents in affected areas are urged to remain calm, stay informed, and take necessary precautions to ensure safety. Public awareness efforts are in full swing to prevent panic and ensure everyone is prepared.

Stay connected with local authorities for further updates, and remain cautious as Cyclone Dana continues its course.

Cyclone ‘Dana’ Approaches: West Bengal and Odisha Brace for Impact

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 24, 2024, Kolkata: Cyclone ‘Dana’ is intensifying, with Odisha and West Bengal on high alert, preparing for potential devastation. With wartime-like emergency operations underway, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee held a press conference at Nabanna on Thursday afternoon, updating the public on the measures taken and the anticipated threats.

In addition to Odisha and West Bengal, Cyclone Dana is projected to affect Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, and Tamil Nadu, with winds expected to reach speeds of 40 km/h in several districts. Heavy rainfall has already begun in coastal areas, including Kolkata, and the cyclone’s full impact is expected to be felt in Bengal by Thursday night.

The Chief Minister revealed that 3,56,941 people have been identified for evacuation from coastal areas, with 1,49,837 already relocated to safety. Currently, 851 relief camps are operational, providing shelter to those affected, with approximately 86,000 people housed in the reef camps.

Banerjee emphasized the state’s proactive approach, highlighting the creation of flood relief centers under her government and launching a 24/7 helpline to assist the public during the crisis. “We are fully prepared,” she stated, “Human life is priceless. All necessary measures are in place. We will monitor the situation closely, particularly in the districts.”

To ensure immediate response and oversight, the Chief Minister has decided to stay at Nabanna overnight, overseeing disaster management efforts as the cyclone makes landfall. Ministers have also been instructed to remain vigilant in their respective areas, coordinating relief efforts and ensuring the safety of citizens.

Banerjee also issued a stern warning to fishermen and sea travelers, urging them to avoid dangerous areas. With cloudy skies and increasing rainfall already affecting coastal regions since Wednesday, the Meteorological Department predicts even heavier downpours as Cyclone Dana strengthens.

The public has been urged to remain calm and avoid spreading rumors or panic. For any emergencies, citizens can reach the Nabanna Helpline at 033-2214-3526. All emergency services, including the power department, are fully mobilized to respond to the approaching disaster.

“We will continue to monitor the situation until landfall,” Banerjee assured, emphasizing the state’s readiness to handle the storm and its aftermath.

Youth Trinamool Leader Fatally Shot in Front of Party Office in Howrah

Baby Chakraborty, KalimNews, October 24, 2024, Howrah: A tragic incident unfolded late last night in Howrah’s Shivpur as Abdul Qadir, a Youth Trinamool Congress (TMC) leader, was shot dead in front of his party office on GT Road. Qadir, who was also a member of the Howrah Municipality representing ward number 31, was fatally attacked at around 10:30 p.m. by two unidentified assailants.

According to witnesses, the attackers approached on a motorcycle and fired multiple rounds at Qadir from point-blank range. The Yuva Trinamool leader was struck by 2-3 bullets before the assailants fled the scene. Despite being rushed to the trauma care center at SSKM Hospital, Qadir was declared dead on arrival.

Local law enforcement, including officials from the Shivpur police station, Howrah City Police, and detectives, promptly arrived at the scene to investigate. While the exact motive behind the shooting remains unclear, initial police reports suggest that the attack could be linked to an old rivalry.

This killing adds to a growing number of violent incidents targeting TMC leaders in West Bengal over the past few months. The investigation is ongoing, as authorities work to determine the culprits and the reasons behind this brutal attack.
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